Mindful Pilates

Comprehensive Mat Training

Shieri Shelly Yamafuji’s Mindful Pilates comprehensive mat training is a 35-hour Comprehensive Pilates Mat training program that focuses on teaching Pilates in a mindful and therapeutic manner.

Shieri is Brooklyn-based teacher of Yoga , Breathing Techniques, Meditation, and Pilates. She earner her Pilates certification at the esteemed Kane School of Core Integration as well as Polestar Comprehensive program. Additionally, Shieri is a 200-hour RYT with extended studies in Restorative and Yoga Nidra at Ishta Yoga, and 500-hour RYT under the nurturing guidance of Guta Hedewig at The Yoga School NY. She has also trained at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram and Yoga Vahini in Chennai, India, delving into Subtle Anatomy, Pranayama, and Yoga Therapy in the Krishnamacharya tradition.